
Drama represents an essential part of the English syllabus at all levels throughout the school, whether in role-play as part of an exercise in class, or when studying a particular play, or taking part in one of the school’s productions.

Drama is a key tool in allowing children to express themselves and we value the collaboration that goes into putting on a performance, whether it is big or small. Children support each other and have to show resilience in overcoming those first night butterflies.

There are several school productions each year taking place in our Jubilee Hall which is a purpose built performance space:

  • The nativity Christmas production by Years 1 and 2, involving all pupils.
  • The main prep school production in the Spring Term for pupils in Years 5 to 8, which typically involves around fifty/sixty children, with anyone wishing to take part being guaranteed a role. Some pupils prefer to participate backstage as stagehands, lighting or sound crew; this tends to alternate year-by-year between being a musical and a non-musical play - We have ambition for the children and recent productions have included The Lion King, A Grimm Night For Hans Christian Anderson, Mary Poppins and The Pauper Princess. 
  • A musical production in the Summer Term for all pupils in Years 3 and 4 - Recent productions have included ‘Oink’, ‘Pirates vs Mermaids’; Joseph and his Technicolour Coat; and Mystery at Magpie Manor. 

In addition, our pupils have been awarded senior school scholarships for drama and achieved high levels of attainment in the form of the LAMDA examinations.